NuVein Embolism Stockings are designed to reduce venous stasis below the knee when thigh length styles are medically contraindicated. Feature: Correct graduated compression that helps ensure optimum blood flow velocity. This product is recommended during hospital stays or periods of inactivity. It is not intended to be worn every day. The mild compression stockings reduce swelling, fatigue, cramping and pain in the legs, ankles and feet. Also suitable for minor varicose and to reduce swelling during pregnancy. Great for traveling, the support stockings alleviate conditions caused by sitting for extended periods of time. Application and treatment to maintain normal circulation and blood flow in bedridden or limited mobility patients; Relieves numb aching in ankle legs and feet; Use post-surgery, sclerotherapy, EVLT, DVT as Thrombo-Embolic Deterrent (ted) stocking to heal. Measure according to size chart image.